5 Best free blogging platform to earn money

In the modern computerized age, blogging has ended up as one of the most vital stages for sharing your contemplations, exhibiting your ability, and indeed making cash online. 

5 Best free blogging platform to earn money

Whether you are an experienced essayist or a beginner, choosing the right blogging stage is basic to your victory. Finding the right option might be difficult when there are so many options available. To help you, we have assembled a list of the top free blogging platforms to increase your income.


Naturally the multiple blogging platforms available today, WordPress.com is the best. It offers several free features, like theme customization, various plugins, and an easy-to-use interface. It offers a few free highlights, like subject customization, different plugins, and an easy-to-use interface. This is why WordPress.com is so good:

Usability: The interface is outlined to be user-friendly, making it straightforward for tenderfoots to get started.

Customization: With so numerous topics and plugins accessible, you may carefully create your web journal to coordinate your prerequisites and style.

WordPress.com offers an assortment of cash streams counting supported articles, associate showcasing, and notices


Blogger, which is possessed by Google, is however another fabulous free blogging stage. Apprentices particularly like it for its ease of utilization and smooth interaction with other Google administrations. Key characteristics include:

User-Friendly Interface: Any user may easily understand the blogging process thanks to the simple interface.

Google Synergy: Easily integrate Google AdSense with your site and start making money from it.

Reliability: Blogger, hosted by Google, guarantees consistent uptime and performance.


Medium is a special stage where a substance comes some time recently personalization. It is idealized for journalists who need to center as it were on their composition, free from the burden of specialized subtle elements. Critical characteristics comprise of:

Built-in Gathering of people: Medium’s coordinates group of onlookers expands the permeability of your substance

Monetization: Through the Medium Partner Program, you can earn based on the engagement your posts garner.

Simplicity: The minimalist design accentuates your writing.


Wix is best known for its drag-and-drop website builder, it also has strong blogging functionality. Benefits consist of:

Design Versatility: You may easily customize the look and feel of your blog using the drag-and-drop editor.

Plugins and Apps: You can improve your blog with a multitude of available plugins and apps.

Revenue Generation: Easily incorporate affiliate marketing, advertisements, and other sources of income.


Another website builder that has strong blogging features is Weebly. It is praised for both its extensive feature set and ease of use. Here's why Weebly is an excellent option:

Easy to Use: Creating and maintaining your blog is made simpler by the drag-and-drop editor.

Integration with e-commerce: Perfect for bloggers hoping to sell goods or services.

SEO Tools: Built-in SEO tools increase the search engine visibility of your blog.

How to Monetize My Blog

Once you've chosen your stage, the following step is to begin monetizing your web journal. Here are a few successful strategies:

Affiliate Promoting: Advance items or administrations and gain a commission for each deal made through your referral link.

Sponsored Posts: Collaborate with brands to make a substance that advances their items or services.

Advertising: Utilize stages like Google AdSense, Adesstra, Monetag, and mgid to show advertisements on your web journal and gain cash based on clicks or impressions. 

Digital Items: Offer e-books, courses, or other advanced items straightforwardly from your web journal.


Making the right choice for your blogging platform is the first step to creating a successful blog and earning money online. All of the platforms—WordPress.com, Blogger, Medium, Wix, and Weebly—offer special capabilities that help you achieve your blogging goals. Recall that producing excellent content regularly and combining it with successful monetization techniques are the keys to success. Set out on your blogging journey right now to turn your passion into money!

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